Raveena tandon Fucking in Bollywood party
12-13-2014, 12:06 PM,
Heart  Raveena tandon Fucking in Bollywood party
"I can't believe we actually got in!" I told Gautham as we covertly ducked into the party of the year.

My friend and I had conveniently snuck into the glitzy industry event to mingle around and hopefully push his script by a few influential people in the business. With our first task accomplished, we decided to split up and search the party for some familiar faces.

It was during this time I decided to take a break and helped myself to a drink at the bar, when a small scuffle ensued in the corner of the room and I was horrified to see that Gautham had apparently made a boob of himself and had inadvertently caused a scene.

Within moments security personnel rushed to his area and grabbed him roughly by the arm and escorted him out—not before I overheard one of the burly men inform another that Gautham was not alone. I was now a fugitive!

Fortunately for me the mansion was large enough to hideout but I would still have to have my wits about me. With that in mind I grabbed my drink, and as discretely as possible, wandered upstairs and looked for a place to hide and stay out of the way.

Unfortunately for me I arrived upstairs to find two security personnel actively scanning the room. Panicking, I hastily looked for the first place to hide and found a small door which apparently led out onto a small terrace—which over looked the pool and villa.

Outside, it was only several moments later that I realized I was not alone on the dimly lit balcony. Glancing over my shoulder I heard a petite brunette arguing on her cell, and on further inspection I was shocked to realize that the woman in question was none other than actress, Raveena Tandon.

I have to admit that under any other circumstance I would have felt incredibly shocked and intimidated by her, but watching security flutter about, I had other more pressing issues on my mind.

Meanwhile as I stood there peering inside, Raveena finished up her conversation and seemed to sense my uneasy demeanor.

"Hello?" she stated sarcastically.

"Hi." I replied offhandedly as I continued to check to see what security were doing.

"Can I help you with something?" she said dismissively—wondering why she suddenly found herself alone with me on the private balcony.

"No, I'm fine." I replied without looking at her, making her giggle.

She clearly found the entire situation amusing, and it was now obvious to her that I was indeed hiding out from someone. After a moment I heard Raveena finally give up on an explanation and exhale loudly.

"Ungh whatever." she groaned to herself. "God I'm bored. Why do I put myself through this? I hate coming to these kind of events."

It was only now that I noticed her revealing outfit and admired the deep cleavage it afforded me. She seemed to be dressed in sexy little black number which showed off her back and hour glass figure and clearly showed off the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Yeah but I bet you enjoy the attention you get from all those photographers outside?" I said flippantly while still peering inside.

Raveena was clearly taken aback at my blunt comment.

"What is your name?" she suddenly asked. "Hey, are you a convict or something?"

"What? Oh. Sorry. I'm Mohit." I replied.

I had to laugh as I realized just how paranoid I must have seemed.

"It's nothing serious. I just… bumped into an ex." I lied. “I really don't want to see her right now."

"I know what you mean." she said while taking another swig from her glass.

"So, are you here alone tonight?" she added.

To my surprise, Raveena actually seemed very open and friendly and proceeded to make conversation.

Despite being way out of my league I decided to play along and casually chatted with her for several minutes. I mean from my point of view I really had nothing to lose, as she had to be without doubt on of the sexiest celebrities at the party.

It was during our candid conversation that I noticed that she seemed to giggle quite a bit, and I suspected she was a lot more intoxicated than I initially assumed. Just then, I was put in an awkward situation as she suddenly asked me to go inside and get us another round of drinks.

"Shit." I thought.

I dare not refuse or let her down, but at the same time I did not want to get seen by one of the dreaded security personnel.

"You know what," I boldly suggested. "Maybe you should go inside and get our drinks instead. God knows you'll get served a lot faster than I ever will."

Raveena paused for a moment but then seemed to agree and smiled.

"You're right. OK. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere.”

"Trust me, I'll be right here." I told her.

With that I watched as Raveena stepped inside and headed across the room and over to the bar while I watched security comb the grounds downstairs.

"God let me get away with this, just this once!" I pleaded inwardly. "Don't let me get kicked out now—especially since I just befriended Raveena fucking Tandon!"

In the meanwhile Raveena returned with two fresh glasses and a bottle of champagne and we made some more small talk as we shared a drink. At this point she was now so inebriated that she almost tumbled over in her clunky high heeled shoes, but fortunately for her I caught her in time.

"OOPS!" she giggled hysterically.

I had to laugh. She sure knew how to party, and at that present moment in time looked absolutely adorable.

"So Raveena, what do you really think of the party?" I asked her a few minutes later.

"Oh please, it's pathetic. I've been standing here in the corner for almost two hours—and not one single guy has made a pass at me."

As it so happened it seemed that almost everyone at the party found her extremely intimidating to talk to.

"I mean, what's a girl gotta do to get laid these days?" she chuckled.

"Um—aren't you married or something?"

"So?" she exclaimed. "Why should that stop anyone from at least trying?"

"I guess you're right. How dare they?" I joked.

It was then Raveena went on to clarify her situation and I was surprised to learn that she and her hubby had apparently arrived to some kind of arrangement. They both screwed around and shared an open marriage.

Just then, I happened to glance at my watch to see what time it was and this apparently angered Raveena, who took great offense to this.

"What's wrong? Am I boring you?" she asked. "Do you have somewhere better to be right now?"

To tell you the truth I was actually quite surprised at her comment, and shocked to see just how insecure she was.

"No, of course not!" I tried to explain. "I was actually just wondering what time a party like this would finish?"

"Oh I don't know. Who cares!" she said before gulping down her glass in one go.

With nothing to lose I decided to take a chance and jokingly asked her if she wanted to leave.

"What, together?" she laughed.

"Sure. Why not?" I offered. "Unless of course you've got somewhere better to be?"

Raveena smirked and seemed to think for a moment, when to my surprise she then replied, "OK. Let's go."

With that we stepped inside and wandered through the party saying goodnight to everyone, while I couldn't help but feel exceptionally smug as I had obviously scored with one of the sexiest women there.

To my delight Raveena seemed to sense this demeanor from me and once outside, stopped for a moment for several snaps. I couldn't be more proud. There we waited for her car to arrive and I couldn't help but laugh as security seemed to recognize me and were clearly annoyed.

It was then one of them finally approached us and started to make snide comments towards me, baiting me to respond and start trouble. Fortunately for me Raveena quickly put him in his place, which in turn swayed a pack of fans to stick up and side with her, and a fight ensued.

"Hey! What's the difference!" she argued with security. "He's with me now!"

Just then a stretch limousine pulled up to the curb and we hurriedly left the scene just as a scuffle ensued between security and the paparazzi. Inside Raveena and I laughed and caught our breath before she poured us a fresh glass of champagne and instructed the driver to take us back to her place.

Funnily enough it was only now that my heart began to beat heavily in my chest with anticipation. I was extremely nervous and could barely tear my eyes away from her legs as her short dress hiked up considerably.

A few minutes later we finally arrive back to her place and I couldn't help notice the look the driver flashed me as he held the door open for us. He seemed to know something I didn't and he grinned widely.

"Have a wonderful night, sir." he smirked.

With that we stumbled into the foyer and rode the elevator up to the top floor where inside I was immediately astounded at the lavishness.

Meanwhile Raveena staggered drunkenly inside and told me to make myself at home as she started to nonchalantly strip out of her outfit and wandered down the hall to take a shower. I could hardly believe my luck as I helped myself to a beer and enjoyed the panoramic view.

I soon grew curious and started to wander around her apartment and noticed a stripper pole in the middle of the room. Curious, I stepped into the bedroom to take a closer look and it was there I found more intriguing items.

Among other things, I was shocked to see that Raveena in fact owned a Sybian machine, which resided on the floor by the bed. It was only then that I noticed the explicit pictures on the wall and I did a double take as I realized the naked model who was in fact Raveena.

Just then, I was startled as I heard her voice right behind me.

"See something you like?"

I turned around and almost gasped as I found her standing before me in just a single silk robe. To my delight it appeared to be loosely tied by her hips and hung open at the front to show me that she was totally and utterly naked underneath.

I couldn't help but gulp deeply which causes her to grin. She clearly thrived on my uneasiness. Raveena then proceeded to explain a few of the works on the wall before she approached the pole.

"As for this," she said while quickly swinging around it. "You'd be surprised how much of a great work out it can be."

"I bet."

"Who knows, maybe if you're good I might give you a private show." she teased.

It was then we shared an awkward moment as we glanced over at the large bed.

"That looks really comfortable."

"Trust me it is."

I then watched her dim the lights and casually slip out of her robe and slide under the sheets.

I could barely speak much less move.

"Well, are you going to join me?" she purred.

Without thinking, I proceeded to strip and get into bed with her and despite myself was painfully nervous—making her giggle some more.

"You know, I don't bite." she grinned.

God she was beautiful.

"You can touch me if you want to." she cooed.

With that Raveena slowly swept her hands over her body and proceeded to touch herself.

"You know I like being watched. Do you like watching me?" she whispered.

I could only nod my head, making her giggle once again.

It was then as I reached out to touch her skin for the very first time that we suddenly heard the front door.

"Babe! Are you home!?" we hear a male shout from outside.

"Shit! It's Anil!" she exclaimed as we both instinctively jumped out of bed and fumbled for our clothes.

Raveena swiftly slipped back into her robe and headed out to greet her husband in the kitchen while I feebly looked for a place to hide and attempted to get under the bed, but thinking better of it, I squeezed into the closet.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I heard Raveena complain. "You know this is my private time. You promised to stay away!"

It was then to my horror I heard Raveena call out my name.

"Mohit! Can you come out here please? Mohit? I want to introduce you to someone."

"What the fuck was she doing?!" I thought to myself.

With that I reluctantly stepped out into the hallway to find Anil Thadani standing in the kitchen.

"And who the fuck is this?" he asked Raveena.

"A friend!"

"A friend? Yeah right,"

I then stood there silently as the couple continued to squabble back and forth and it seemed that they indeed had some kind of arrangement—which he was reneging on.

"I told you I wasn't going to spend the weekend alone!" Raveena declared.

It was then Thadani finally threw up his arms and started to leave.

"Fuck it! Good luck buddy, enjoy it while it lasts." he said as she followed him out. "She's a fucking nut job!"

This final remark seemed to really infuriate Raveena and as she followed him out she slammed the door.

"Fuck you Anil!" she yelled. "Why don't you go fuck one of your teenage whores! Arghh!"

I honestly couldn't remember feeling any more awkward in my entire life. I simply stood there dumbfounded and genuinely didn't know what to say or do.

"What the fuck are you staring at!?" she suddenly snapped at me.

"Huh? What the hell did I do?" I shrugged.

"Get your ass in the shower!" she insisted. "I have a phone call to make."

Realizing how upset she was, I dare not argue with her and decided to do as she asked.

Inside the shower I washed thoroughly and couldn't help but feel a little disappointed with myself. I started to wonder if I should have stepped in and stood up for myself more. I was starting to think that maybe I had let Raveena down.

A few minutes later I stood lathering my body with body wash and contemplated my next move when I jumped in surprise as I felt her place her hand on my hip. To my delight Raveena stepped into the shower to join me and proceeded to apologize.

"I'm sorry Mohit. I didn't mean to get you involved in all this, or snap at you like that." she said wholeheartedly. "It's got nothing to do with you."

"It's cool. I just hope you're OK." I told her as she proceeded to caress me under the water.

"You're such a great guy." she said while letting her hands drift down my body. "Let me make it up to you."

To her delight she quickly discovered that I was noticeably stiff and without wasting any time she gripped my tool by the shaft and proceeded to stroke it a little.

"Wow. Aren't we excited?" she grinned, genuinely surprised at my length.

"What did you expect?" I blushed. "You're Raveena fucking Tandon after all."

"I know, right?" she giggled. "I guess I'm just used to Anil and his drama—we have been having lots of fights.I caught him with a bitch the other day too.That bastard”

I couldn't fucking believe what I was hearing as she revealed that her hubby needed pills to get it up for her? I was shocked. Just then, I felt Raveena apply some pressure with her hand and pick up the pace, which caused me to moan involuntarily.

"Holy shit, you're really good at that." I told her as she skillfully stroked me.

It was then I watched her drop to her knees before me and lick her lips up at me seductively.

"Jesus." I let out.

I couldn't believe how hard I was.

"Hmm, who would have thought, huh?" Raveena grinned up at me—alluding to the size of my package.

It was then without warning that Raveena parted her lips and carefully slipped me into her mouth. Sucking me keenly I could barely contain myself as she stroked my shaft and expertly sucked at the bell head—rapidly twirling her tongue in an anti-clock wise circle.

I quickly gripped her hair and tried in vain to hold off, but to no avail. Raveena then took her mouth away for just a moment to tell me to relax and let it go.

"Don't hold it, just relax." she smirked. "Come in my mouth if you like, I don't care."

A moment later I abruptly filled her mouth with semen, and watched as she swallowed my copious load. I came so hard I almost lost the power in my legs, and to my surprise Raveena eagerly gulped down my seed and rose to her feet and proceeded to wash her face.

"I'm so sorry." I said, feeling incredibly guilty for busting a nut in her mouth.

"That's OK. I guess I asked for it?" she giggled.

With that we cleaned up before she passed me a towel and I followed her through the apartment and back into the bedroom. There Raveena instructed me to get on the bed and turn over, and before I could object, she straddled me on the bed and proceeded to give me a massage.

"Wow. I'm just wondering what I did to deserve all this?" I admitted. "I must have done something right in previous life."

Raveena simply smiled as she reached over to the side drawer and applied some lotion to my back and treated me to a relaxing message for a few minutes. I couldn't believe my luck, but just as I started to get settled in, she suddenly stopped what she was doing and collapsed beside me on the mattress in exhaustion.

"You want me to do you?" I offered.

"No, its OK." she exhaled. "I hope you don't mind but, can we just go to sleep?"

Of course despite my frustration I was more than happy to just lie beside her in the same bed.

I responded by getting up to dim the lights and we both got comfortable and soon feel fast asleep. Naturally as aroused and wound up as I was, I found I couldn't sleep, and it was during the night I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I heard her snoring beside me.

"So much for the sex symbol image," I laughed.

Listening to her breath for a few minutes I tried to consider what my friends would say when I told them about my incredible night. I then started to have regrets about not being more forceful or making a play for her.

With that in mind I started to realize that this was probably my only and final chance to make the most of the situation, and I tentatively reached over and caressed and explored her incredible body.

I spend the majority of the early morning gently gliding my hand over her body, her hips, breasts, legs. By this stage I was so hard I could hardly stand it, and as I worked my way over her crotch, I was amazed at the heat emanating from her pussy.

There I carefully skimmed my fingers between her pussy lips and found her to be noticeably wet. I then spent the next hour or so gently exploring her pussy lips with my fingers and it was a few hours into the morning that Raveena finally began to stir.

Meanwhile I was so caught up in the moment that I forgot myself and I didn't stop as she slowly awoke and realized I was playing with her. Cooing softly with her eyes still closed, she began to gently hump my hand.

"You're going to make me come if you keep that up." she whispered.

I then watched in wonder as she proceeded to wiggle her hips, and soon began to thrash about before she ultimately climax—my fingers spearing in and out of her sodden cunt. Raveena finally caught her breath and giggled sweetly for several moments as she enjoyed her high.

"What a way to wake up." she smiled. "You're such a bad boy."

"I couldn't help it." I admitted. "I thought I was dreaming when I found you lying next to me. I had to touch you."

Raveena rolled over and smiled at me—she looked absolutely angelic.

"What time is it?"

"I have no idea." I told her, but we could both see it was dawn through the window.

"Hold me." she suddenly stated.

I didn't need to be asked twice, and gave her a tight hug.

"God I hope this isn't a dream." I said under my breath. "I better not wake up right now or I'll really be pissed."

Raveena giggled and we spent the next few hours lying there chatting. Still, as horny as I was I dare not break the mood and continued to casually caress her soft skin as we talked.

"I can't believe it." she finally said.


"You're the first guy I've ever had in my bed who hasn't tried to fuck me within two minutes."

I was embarrassed and countered with, "Well something can be arranged if you like?"

"No, no. I'm not complaining." she laughed. "It's just I guess you really are a nice guy."

Its then she asked, "We didn't have sex last night did we?"

"I'm not sure."

"Trust me, if we did, you would remember." she added.

I was really started to grow annoyed with myself as I realized just how drunk she had been—to the point where she didn't remember anything. Why didn't I take advantage of her?

"Wow, I can't believe we've been lying here all night—and you haven't tried to fuck me yet." she stated again.

Judging by her constant remarks I could tell she was really hung up about it.

"Oh for god sake!" I groaned as she laughed.

In an instant, Raveena abruptly rolled over and proceeded to straddle me, and without wasting anytime she reached down and directed my cock between her legs and swiftly impaled herself. I lay there dumbfounded as I watched Raveena Tandon had her way with me.

"Don't move." she insisted, as I slowly entered her.

Sitting up straight, Raveena proceeded to wiggle her hips from side to side as I lay staring up at her glorious breasts and nipples. Raveena soon shut her eyes and titled her head back as she started to ride me harder and faster. I gripped the pillows as I watched her fake breasts jiggle from side to side.

"Jesus Christ!" I let out.

Raveena really started to grind her pelvis into me and rode me deep.

"Oh God! Oh God—I'm going to come!" she moaned as she bucked her hips wildly back and forth.

Raveena finally shrieked out loud and collapsed forward—draping her hair all over my face as she kissed me. Meanwhile I could feel my cock squirting deep inside her but I was so aroused I stayed rock hard.

"Come on, get dressed." she told me a few minutes later. "We've got an appointment with a plate of pancakes—my treat."

With that I watched as she climbed out of the bed, and naked, wandered off to the shower. I still could not believe my luck, my night with this dream lover.

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