Tasting Kareena's Breast Milk Leads To A Lot Of Fucking
04-23-2017, 01:24 PM,
Tasting Kareena's Breast Milk Leads To A Lot Of Fucking
I work as a cleaner at a hospital part time while going to college. I'm studying business management and plan to own my own business some day. The pay is good and the schedule works with my classes. 

The only down side to the job, other than it is menial is my boss. She's a real bitch.

"Murli!" the bitch, yells as soon as I get there. "You're ten minutes late."

"Sorry," I reply. She's dressed to the nines as usual. A gray outfit with a lighter gray shirt, cut low (or maybe it just looks that way because of her massive boobs), and a dark gray jacket that match her pants. 

"Well? What happened?" She demands. 

"Well, there was an accident and it backed up traffic," I informed her.

"That's why you need to leave earlier," she said.

"If I had left earlier, it might have been me in the accident. Then who'd clean all the rooms?" 

"Don't be a smartass. Now get to work."

I turned to go.

"Wait. Hands!" She demanded. She had this weird thing about how since I clean up, that I had to be clean myself. Even though I mostly wore gloves, she always inspected my hands before every shift. Who knows, maybe she had a hand fetish. 

"At least your hands are clean," she said, bringing my hands down and brushing my crotch. I just wasn't sure if it was an accident, on purpose or if she was just teasing me. 

"Good to go?" I asked. 

"Yes.” I got the list of the rooms to be cleaned and headed to the apartment building on my list today. The locality was a rich and full of Bollywood celebrities. Another upside of the job was that I got to see a lot of actresses.

Everything went routine until I came to room 208. There was a beautiful women in there with long, black hair and really nice tits. I know because her shirt was unbuttoned and she was playing with them. Well, not really playing, more like massaging them. Her areolas were football shaped and her nipples were short but fat. Both her areolas and nipples were dark, compared to her breasts which were very pale and I could clearly see veins.
[Image: Desi-Actress-Kareena-Kapoor-Naked-Porn-Photo.jpg]

"Uh," she gasped. "What are you doing here?"
This was none other than the Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor. The reason of a lot of wet dreams and I had just seen her tits!

"Just cleaning up," I replied. 

"Well, can't you come back later? I'm kind of busy."

"I can see," I said, staring at her breasts. 

"It's not that. I'm getting ready to pump." 

"Pump?" I asked. 

"Yes pump. Pump the milk from my breasts. And I'd like to do it alone."

"I understand, but I'm on a tight schedule and my boss is a real bitch. She'd go fuck-all if I didn't clean all my rooms on time."

"You really can't wait?" She asked again.

"I'll be in and out in no time," I assured her. 

"That's what my husband said, then I was pregnant. Fine. You've already seen them anyway. Just be quick please."

"Yes ma'am. By the way, my name is Murli," I said, offering my hand. 

She let go of her breast to shake my hand. Not only could I see her breasts, but they bounced when we shook hands. 

She noticed me looking at her breasts. 

"Oh very clever. You boy's just can't look at our breasts, you have to watch them bounce."

"I'm just being polite, ma'am."

"Uh huh. And stop calling me ma'am. Now, don't you have a schedule to keep?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Free Savita Bhabhi &Velamma Comics @
04-23-2017, 01:25 PM,
RE: Tasting Kareena's Breast Milk Leads To A Lot Of Fucking
And boy did I. Never before had I cleaned a room so slow. I mean, I did my best like I always do, but I just went super slow.
I mean I was with Kareena Kapoor and her tits in a room! I could clean the room all my life if she sat there with her tits out like that!
When I was done, Kareena had her breasts hooked up to some gizmo that was making noise. 

"So what is that?" I asked.

"I thought you had a tight schedule?" She asked. 

"Oh, it's my break time now."

"And this is how you want to spend your break?"

"I can't think of a better place," I replied. 

"I'll, bet. You need a swift swat on the behind," Kareena said.

"My boss feels the same way." 

"Perhaps I should meet her."

"Maybe you will. Remember, you were going to tell me about that?" I said pointing to the machine. 

"I was huh? Fine. This is the breast pump. It sucks the milk from my nipples into these plastic containers. See?"

"Not really," I said, standing over her. 

"Get down close for a better look," 

I got on my knees for a closer look. Her nipples were being sucked into the tube. "Oh yeah, cool." I said. 

"You want to hold one?" She asked. 

"Sure," I said, putting my hand under her breast.

"Not my breast, the container," she said laughing. 

"Oh, right. Sorry," I said, but couldn't hide my smile. 

"Uh huh," she said, knowing that I wasn't sorry. 

Soon she was done. She put everything away and was washing her breasts. She was about to button her shirt when she looked at me. "Do you wanna taste it?"
Did I just hear correct? Was I dead and in heaven? Kareena Kapoor asking me if I wanted to taste her milk?

"May I?" I asked politely

"Oh, so you do have manners. Yes you may, but be gentle. My nipples are very sensitive."
I quickly got up and locked the door, lest somebody came barging in.

First I licked around her areolas, then I flicked her nipples with my tongue. Then I put her breast in my mouth and sucked. I moved my mouth around so that I was just sucking on the nipple like a baby. While I sucked on one breast, my hand played with the other. Drawing the outline of her areola, following the veins, and lightly pinching the nipple. I was going between both breasts. I guess I was doing good, because she started moaning, a lot. 

Suddenly she pulled me up. "Let's see what you're packing."

She unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them and my underwear down. My hard cock sprang out. 

"Well, cute, polite and a nice cock. Why are you a cleaner?" she asked, taking my cock in her mouth. 

"Ohhhhh!" I moaned. "To pay for college"

"What's your course?" She asked, while swirling her tongue around the head of my penis. 

"Bbbbusiness," I stammered. 

Then she rubbed her thumb under the head, while she licked and sucked on my balls. 

Soon my cock was between her breasts and I was tit fucking her. She started squirting milk on my cock and sucking it off. Finally she put my cock in her mouth again. 

[Image: Kareena%2BKapoor+%281%29.jpg]

"I call this the washing machine," she said, then moved her tongue all around the head of my cock. 

"I'm gonna cum," I warned. She just clamped down tighter and soon I started shooting streams of cum in her mouth. She swallowed it all. 

"My turn," she said. 

Her pussy was shaved and her lips were also brown like her nipples and areolas. 

Free Savita Bhabhi &Velamma Comics @
04-23-2017, 01:25 PM,
RE: Tasting Kareena's Breast Milk Leads To A Lot Of Fucking
I started out slow, then going faster, but avoided her clit. Every time I got near it she moaned. Her clit started to swell, still I purposely avoided it. Then I gently grazed it. Again and again, just licking it in passing. Then I licked her pussy, while rubbing her clit with my thumb. I moved the skin away from her clit and gently blew on it. That made her jump, so I did that a few more times. Then I slid a couple fingers inside her and sucked on her clit. I kept that up until she came. And boy did she cum. Her pussy exploded, spraying the bed and me with her juice.
[Image: Kareena-Kapoor-big-big-boobs-and-big-pus...photos.jpg]

Kareena's next attention grabbing move was to grab my cock as she kissed me deeper. My response was to put my left hand right on her incredible chest, and my right square on her equally smooth, round, supple behind. I'd never felt so many full, round, sinfully sexy surfaces. I was hard again immediately.

It was all too much. Kareena's pouty lips and silky tongue darting in my mouth, her quick hand stroking my cock, her legendary breasts in my own hand and her gravity defying ass in my other one. No one could handle all this for too long.

And I proved it by cumming so soon right into Kareena's hand.
[Image: Kareena-Kapoor-nude-hot-sucking-pics.jpg]

She broke the kiss in time for us both to see me shoot streams of cum onto Kareena's stomach. It was uncontrollable, and my own movements made me shoot lower onto Kareena's leg before long. But otherwise, our feet kept us staying put as I finished cumming all over Kareena way too soon.

As my cock died down, the rest of me froze in place. Kareena didn't move much herself, even to clean all the cum dripping down her stomach and leg. It was a wonder I didn't get any on the floor. But that would have been the least of my concerns.

to be continued

Free Savita Bhabhi &Velamma Comics @
04-23-2017, 01:25 PM,
RE: Tasting Kareena's Breast Milk Leads To A Lot Of Fucking
Tasting Kareena's Breast Milk Leads To A Lot Of Fucking (Part 2)

I let out a deep breath, wondering if I should even try to say something before I left. Yet again, however, Kareena was ahead of me.

"I figured I needed a shower anyway," she said, lighter than I expected. But expecting the unexpected was probably more fitting here. "And since you made this mess, you should help clean it up. That's what any responsible cleaner should do."

Kareena turned around, giving me my first actual look at her apple shaped ass - when it couldn't affect me in the slightest. Not for maybe another few minutes, anyway. Yet it seemed I'd be busy passing the time until then.

She turned the shower on and climbed in, without even bothering to wipe my cum off. Figuring out why, I got inside with her and looked around for soap and a sponge. When I found them, I let Kareena back off and lean against the wall as I went down to my knees.

The shower water had already gotten much of my cum off her body. Nevertheless, I put the soap against her stomach and leg, rubbing them as carefully as possible. I admired the suds now on her body, then put the soap and sponge under the shower and rubbed them together.

Soon after, I rubbed the sponge all over Kareena's stomach, waist and legs, getting them covered in soap. I them rubbed it into her body with my own bare hands, feeling her get clean and feeling so much more than that. At that point, I remembered there was another thing I owed her.

My soapy hands rubbed and scrubbed Kareena's stomach, legs and all of her very well-defined curves, while my head had another destination. I put it between her legs, then stuck my tongue out to clean her off another way.

She was already wet in more than one way before entering the shower indeed. This time, I was in a position to do something about it. In my kneeling position, my tongue circled her pussy and dipped inside, before my mouth began suckling on it.

Kareena moaned, which sounded even hotter when it wasn't muffled against my mouth. I reached up to soap up both her breasts, yet this time the feel of them didn't make me cum. I would probably start stirring myself any moment, but Kareena would be on her way before then - hopefully.
[Image: kapoor+kapoor+bathroom.jpg]

My hope grew when Kareena grabbed the back of my head and pushed her hips against my face. My hands then went down to her ass and held on, scrubbing and caressing every considerable inch of her backside, while I licked out every inch of her pussy.

"Mmm...that's a way to clean and make a mess," Kareena commented. "This is as good a place as any to make one...I want to make one all over your face and clean it off myself...now fuck me with your tongue and get it wet too..."

Those words spoken in that voice were more than encouraging enough. For an added bonus, I wrangled the soap out of the sponge, got it filled with water, and scrubbed it on Kareena's upper body to watch the water drip down.

Determined to help, I grabbed onto her ass and squeezed for dear life as my tongue buried itself in her. I then did the same with her breasts as I suckled on her pussy, then ran my hands all over her waist and its hourglass shape. Kareena leaned back and moaned, trying to fuck herself against my face to push her overboard.

Instead of doing it with my mouth, however, I took my mouth away and rubbed her slender legs with the sponge. As I watched the water run down and scrubbed it in, my right hand and its fingers started working above and between her legs. Two of them got into her while I kissed up and down her thigh and pumped my left hand below her knee.

"Oh...fuck!," Kareena cried. When she was nice and clean there, I leaned back and put both hands between her clean legs, making the space between them ready to feel much less clean.

"Oh, you make me cum...I don't care if it's on your hands now!" Kareena got out. But I was thankful for the reminder.

After a few more hard finger thrusts, I put my face back on her pussy and let my tongue finish the thrusting. Before long, Kareena's moans echoed loud enough in the shower to tell me I was almost done.

When I was, I received a potent amount of cum and juices on my mouth for my trouble. Kareena had gotten considerably cleaner than me everywhere else, so this was just one more way for me to get dirtier.

Once she was done, I started licking up her remains off my mouth, but not completely. At that point, I really did need to stand up and stop leaning on my knees anyway. I got myself up and managed not to slip on the shower floor, and was promptly met by Kareena's lips and tongue cleaning me off themselves.

After they did a thorough enough job, Kareena got past me and turning the shower and bath off. As the water below us went down the drain, I finally got a chance to actually look at Kareena. She was dripping wet, as she had been for some time - but this time I could see it while she was naked. And this time I had enough time to properly stare at her naked.

Her mostly naked body had been immortalized While parts of that form looked fuller in front of me now than they did on screen, all of it was just as seductive and unreasonably beautiful. And the parts that weren't covered up now...even imagining them uncovered for so many years didn't do it justice.

[Image: Kareena-Kapoor-Seductive-Images.jpg]

Praising it in words would have likely been condescending. That was not the proper way to worship Kareena. A better way was to walk forward and initiate kissing her, placing my hands on her body and letting them roam gently and passionately. The example carried over to both our lips as well.

We did have to get out of the shower, though, and we had to dry ourselves off once again. This time, we used the towels on each, and not entirely just to clean the other. In fact, we still weren't completely dry when Kareena said, "We've done all we can do in here."

Kareena wrapped her towel around her body, and. I wrapped my towel around my waist, not even trying to hide what was growing once again behind it.

After I found her standing next to the bed, she smiled again - her steamy lips and sultry eyes only making it harder for me to contain my bulge. I gave up when she unwrapped herself and dropped her towel. Yet I didn't give myself time to take my own towel off, as I went over to take her back in my arms.

I had already started kissing and playing with her breasts when she dropped herself onto the bed, taking me with her. She went into the middle of the bed and laid down in the spread eagle position, waiting for me.

I rewarded her wait by crawling to her, determined to kiss everything I hadn't kissed in the shower. My tongue started underneath her bellybutton and slowly went up from there, while my hands rested on her waist and then below her tits. Cupping them, I went over and finally began kissing and tasting them, the milk shooting into my hungry mouth

Burying my face in those bountiful breasts wasn't enough for me. It could have taken me hours to kiss and lick every inch of those full mounds, and the silky skin covering them. I would have gladly taken such a long shift, though - and she sounded like she didn't mind the fruits of my labour.

I massaged underneath her tits and rubbed them together while kissing and teasing her nipples. After a few minutes of that, I pressed them together and licked up and down her mountainous cleavage. I even tried opening my mouth and taking as much of her right breast in as possible, which still probably didn't look like much.

Whatever other tricks I might have considered, I didn't do it fast enough. Not after Kareena rolled me onto my back and settled on top of me.

As she did with my lips, Kareena kissed my upper body slowly and hotly. Her gorgeous chocolate eyes darted between my face and the parts of my chest she was nipping and kissing. She took her time tracing her tongue and lips over my abs, sitting her breasts just above my erect cock.

When she got there, she took my staff into her hand and swirled her tongue over my head. Her lips then covered it and gradually sucked it down, while her free hand took my balls and rubbed them against her chest. I hissed deeply and started to worry about my longevity again.

No. I couldn't let that happen again. I wouldn't get another chance - and if I did, it'd probably be out of mere pity. That was no way to end something like this. Not with the way she was sucking my head, sliding her tongue under it, bringing those lips down deeper, humming on me as she took more of me in...

Free Savita Bhabhi &Velamma Comics @
04-23-2017, 01:26 PM,
RE: Tasting Kareena's Breast Milk Leads To A Lot Of Fucking
Okay, there might be a downside to that. Only one.

But that too was forgotten when she lifted her breasts up to cover my cock again. When all that plump, soft, rounded, white mass smothered it like a pillow, then glided up and down over it. The milk flowing on my cock. And then when her tongue and lips managed to reach my head when it poked out...

[Image: Kareena-Kapoor-Nude-Posing-Boobs-Tit-Fuc...areena.jpg]

There was no point denying the inevitable. I could hold it off as long as possible, which wasn't long at all, but it was going to happen. Unless Kareena came off me now, but she didn't look set on going that far.

"People like you are supposed to recover faster," Kareena spoke when she took her lips off me. "Don't try too hard not to cum. Save that energy for getting back up again. You'll need it...hell, if you think you need it now..."

That kind of advice, and all its implications, kept me up a few extra moments. But when that wasn't enough, and when Kareena rubbed her supple tits against one another with my cock still between then, the milk flowing onto it like a hose, there was no more wiggle room.

Kareena wrapped her lips around my head as it began to explode, then took her breasts off me. She popped off and then took me down deeper into her mouth, all while I filled it up more and more. Not a drop went out, even with so much coming out of me.

For the third time, I was drained a lot quicker than I should have been, although we both got more out of it first. I laid back and tried to clear my head, but then felt a weight on my chest. It was clear where it came from before I even looked up.

"You really should have more stamina than me," Kareena stated. Yet it didn't stop her from straddling my chest, then sliding her hips up until her pussy met my mouth.

She put her hands against the wall, leaning on it as I began using my tongue on her again. As in the shower, I circled around her pussy until I swirled it inside her, then started nibbling and sucking her clit. Kareena purred encouragingly, thrusting her hips onto me as my tongue met them.

My hands got in the mix, with my left joining my mouth and rubbing her along, all as my right slowly went down her back. It reached her ass by the time my left index finger started fucking her, while I licked alongside it.

Kareena took her hands off the wall and urged, "Milk my tits again." I reached up to do that and stepped up my tongue work at the same time. As I burrowed deeper into her, she cried, "Oh, yes...oh, it feels so fucking good...how about you?"

"This speaks for itself," I said, squeezing her breasts, the milk shooting everywhere around the room and sucking on her as deeply as possible.
[Image: Kareena%2BKapoor.jpg]

"Oh, fuck, yeah...oh, it's still not enough..." Kareena finished anyway. "I gotta make sure you can still give me enough..." This was all the warning I had before she turned herself again, hovered her ass over my face and put her face over my still recovering cock.

Between her ass bent over against my face, and her mouth back on my cock, perhaps Kareena did have a point about my stamina. It would still take a while for her to get me hard again, so I had time to get her on the brink again.

I started by lying both hands on her glorious ass and licking away at her. After merely pushing her cheeks up and jiggling them, however, I had to taste them. So I nibbled at her ample regions and smooth, white skin, while letting my left thumb work her further below.
[Image: Kareena-Kapoor-big-big-boobs-and-big-pus...photos.jpg]

Kareena was turned on enough to moan on my cock as she sucked it back to life. In return, it made me go faster in kissing and thumb fucking her back ends. But my mouth returned to her pussy before long, wiggling into her even faster.

"Fuck me...fuck me both ways," Kareena urged. My tongue thrust back and forth into her, in tandem with my revised cock pumping her mouth. Kareena took my erection in deeper and pushed her pussy deeper onto my mouth, leaving me to just hold onto her hips in the meantime.
[Image: Kareena-Kapoor-nude-cumshot-wallpapers.jpg]

"Little more...little more..." Kareena groaned, batting her tongue all over my head. I groaned on her and made my tongue go even faster on her pussy. Hers was building me up yet again for a third and probably last round, so I hoped I was somewhat close to ending her second.

"Yes, yes...all right, that's it! I want this in me now..." Kareena groaned right onto my cock head. Before I knew it, she took herself off my face and crawled up, not stopping until she settled over my cock in the reverse cowgirl position.

Not seeing her tits or face in the last position was a necessary evil. Not seeing them was also necessary as I saw her ass settle over my groin, captivating my view as she took my cock in for the first time. It seemed like a worthy sacrifice at the moment.

I couldn't see her tits bounce as she began to ride me. I couldn't see her face and eyes to go along with hearing her aroused, sexy voice as she brought herself closer. Her tightening pussy and her bouncing behind did help, though.

I didn't feel comfortable just lying on my back for long, however. When I just had to do more, I sat up and wrapped my arms around Kareena's waist, keeping her on my lap as I fucked her deeper. I rested my chin on her shoulder and looked down at her jiggling breasts and filled pussy, giving me the roadmap to rub them both.

Holding onto her chest and rubbing her pussy for dear life, I held on tight as Kareena's voice got higher and she let herself go. She let out an extended moan as her second extended orgasm covered my cock, while I kept holding her against me.

Kareena caught her breath and lifted her hips off my wet cock, reaching down to stroke it. When she was done, she got her hips back up and sank back on me, while putting her wet hand between our faces. She licked the residue off her hand, leaving me to follow as our hips pressed together again.

Our lips came back together soon afterward, but I knew we couldn't sustain this position much longer. After we broke apart, I slipped out of her and had her lay back down on the bed. I settled on top of her and put myself back in without delay.

I was the one setting the slow pace this time, fucking her gently as she tried to build herself back up. I used my lips leisurely now, gliding them over her smooth neck and nipping at her still taut flesh. Kareena groaned softly while my left hand went onto her breast and my right went into her brunette hair, cradling the back of her head.

My lips went up to her face, kissing all over the right side of it. My hips started going a little faster by the time I hovered over her face, getting lost anew in her eyes and lips. "Oh God..." I let out right as Kareena let her hands go down my back.

That little movement, not to mention the little squeeze she gave my ass, was enough to make me feel like my control was unraveling. As she kissed me deep, gently and oh so seductively, it felt like I was right back where I started. Not that it was the worst place to be.

There was the added bonus of me fucking her and lying on top of her. The one where her breasts were under me and pushing against my chest helped too. So did her very wet pussy pumping my cock along.

[Image: Kareena-Kapoor-Fucking-Pussy-Naked-Showi...-Fake-.jpg]

Free Savita Bhabhi &Velamma Comics @
04-23-2017, 01:26 PM,
RE: Tasting Kareena's Breast Milk Leads To A Lot Of Fucking
If that wasn't enough, Kareena broke our kisses and just kept moaning. When that wasn't enough either, she repeated in increasingly sultry tones, "Fuck me...fuck me...fuck me..." That made me go faster and it made her repeat, "Cum for me again...cum inside me...cum inside me..."

I chose to assume she thought that through, then chose to fuck her deeper and kiss the top of her breasts. I laid my face between her tits as she gasped, "Yes...it's so good on your big cock..."

She used an old maneuver and rolled me over onto my back, settling on top of me. However, she merely laid there and rode her hips on me, running her lips over my neck this time. When she finished, I grabbed her tits and pushed them up into my face, rubbing the milk all over my cheeks and mouths as she rode me harder.

"Oh, I gotta taste every inch while I can..." I groaned, gliding her left nipple over my mouth.

I did so with Kareena's tits by burying my face and hands back into them as I fucked her harder. With her ass, I later laid my hands back on it and helped push it down deeper onto me. They soon went down to her pussy and rubbed it hard on each side, all while fucking it right in the center.

"More..." Kareena actually said, her appetite seemingly insatiable. Perhaps she thought I was young and eager enough to keep up with her - whether she was starved for such attention or not. Yet even if I was that good, Kareena still made me pale in comparison. 

She sat all the way up, leaving her pussy even more wide open for me. With my fingers playing with her parted lips, my cock unstoppable inside of her and her lush curves and tits wiggling all around, her milk leaking like a broken pipe, my youthful stamina was at its boiling point. This time for good.

So I savored Kareena's body riding me a few extra seconds more, before fingering and fucking her to the finish. I let my fingers go up right before then, grabbing her tits and holding them in place as I came up to suck them.

I made sure her nipple was deep in my mouth as she came over my cock yet again. Kareena's mouth was free to yell, "Oh, fuck me, just a little more..."

That little more included sitting up, having her ride out her orgasm on my lap, and putting my hands on her ass and left tit while I sucked her right one. That symmetry made it all the more easier for me to cum one final time, only deep inside her now.

I had to release my mouth from her tit before I bit on it, so I rode out my orgasm by resting my head on her neck. The release still overwhelmed me enough to make me fall back on the bed, taking Kareena down with me. We just rested and lightly groaned as I finished and our cum mixed together.

Even with no cum left in my body to speak of, I still absent mindedly kissed her neck and savored the feel and taste of her. For Kareena's part, she put her face over mine, studied it and softly said, "Good boy," before another short series of kisses.

She rested against me and I held her body against me, not entirely confident how I would clean the mess we made before my bitch boss came looking for me.

Free Savita Bhabhi &Velamma Comics @

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