Deepika Padukone and the Earthquake man
11-09-2014, 11:43 AM,
RE: Deepika Padukone and the Earthquake man
‘Perhaps you are regretting not taking my offer of employment?’ he asked softly, standing close enough for her to feel his breath on her face. ‘Too late for that now, but I have some ideas as to how you might serve me all the same.’

‘Oh, surprise me,’ she muttered.

His hands moved slowly up her flanks, fingertips just brushing her skin and making her shiver, and cupped her small yet perky breasts, lifting them and feeling their weight and softness.

‘Lovely,’ he crooned. ‘Lovely.’

Deepika closed her eyes, reaching for something to say. Something to show he wasn’t getting to her.

‘You really think they’ll pay up?’ she asked.

Slowly his thumbs stroked the tips of her dark brown nipples while he answered.

‘I don’t see why not. It’s a small price to pay to prevent the destruction of the whole of the south of England. If not...’ He pinched her nipples gently. ‘Then the catastrophe will be on their own heads and will provide a useful example. The next country to which I make the same threat will, I suspect, be more reasonable.’

Deepika bit her lip as he started to roll her nipples teasingly between his fingers and thumbs. Her voice snapped out sharply.

‘My tits aren’t a radio, you know. They won’t pick up Classic FM no matter how much you twiddle ‘em.’

She had the satisfaction of seeing his fixed grin sour a little. Then his palm pressed onto her midriff and slid slowly down over her taut belly, all the way to between her legs. She grimaced, clenching her teeth, but refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her try to squirm away from him when he rubbed steadily at the fleshy mound of her pubis.

‘Seriously, how old are you?’ she said, her voice stretched taut. ‘I haven’t been groped this clumsily since I was sixteen.’

Alcibiades snatched his hand away, an ugly twist of spite suffusing his features.

‘Silly slut! You’ll come round. Major Norton!’

The heavily built officer clumped into view, the one with the hard, cruel little eyes. He threw the half salute of an ex-military man.


‘Take her away.’ Alcibiades’ cold eyes didn’t leave her face as he spoke. ‘Take her away and bring her back in a more tractable frame of mind.’

Norton’s broad lips curved upwards and he looked her over with the satisfaction of ownership.

‘My pleasure.’

* * *

Deepika didn’t resist while Norton fastened the final clamp into place, leaving her stretched out on her belly with her wrists and ankles all firmly pinned down. She lay on a white plastic platform which curved over in an arch so that she was bent forward, her bare behind sticking up invitingly in the air. The little room to which Norton and an armed escort had shepherded her was cramped, with barely enough space for the strange couch on which she was secured, the control panel and its operator, Norton himself and a couple of guards who stood there with their arms folded and broad grins on their faces, enjoying the scene.

Norton gave a nod to the technician.

‘Stretch her out.’

Before she could ask herself what this might mean, a button was pressed and the clamps jolted into motion, dragging her wrists and ankles in opposite directions with irresistible mechanical force, forcing from her a gasp as her joints were pulled to the verge of dislocation. Her body was held taut over the arch, every muscle immobilized.

Norton took a leisurely moment to look her over and enjoy her discomfort before giving the operator another nod.


In disbelief Deepika twisted her head around and saw twin doors pop open in the sides of the machine. Articulated arms folded out, each one terminating in a flat strip of plastic a foot long, four inches wide and a good half inch thick. They were perforated with holes the better, she realized dumbfoundedly, to minimize air resistance as they swung through the air. The arms curled in over her, the paddles held poised over her defenseless buttocks.

‘Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.’

Norton chuckled at her look of wide-eyed trepidation.

‘Shouldn’t have been rude to the Professor, girl. This is something he knocked together during his breaks from taking over the world.’

She looked up, her head the only part of her body she could move.

‘You know you’re working for a maniac, right?’

He shrugged.

‘Maybe. But pretty soon he’s going to be the richest maniac in the world with the possible exception of Roman Abramovich. That means I want to keep him happy, and right now that means getting rid of that attitude of yours. Brace yourself, spygirl.’

With a quick lick of his lips he turned again to the technician.

‘Go ahead.’

She’d tensed herself at his words, but was still unprepared for the shock of impact as the first paddle smacked down onto her buttocks. A burst of pain at the point of impact ran in a cold, hard wave through her whole body. She had no time to recollect herself before the second paddle whacked down on the same spot and she clenched her teeth to keep from crying out. The first paddle had instantly drawn back and struck her again, and so it went on. Smack. Smack. Smack. Smack. The sound of Deepika’s punishment filled the little room and she pressed her forehead down against the cold surface of the couch and steeled herself to endure.


In the wash of relief as the paddles stilled at Norton’s quiet word of command, she had to brush aside the irrational trace of gratitude she felt towards him for making it stop. His beefy hand grasped her by the hair and dragged her head up to look at him.

‘How are we doing?’

She looked him steadily in the eye.

‘Not really any more tractable, I’m afraid. Little bit angrier, though.’

He nodded with a grim smile.


Norton let her head fall back down, and snapped his fingers at the operator.


The breath hissed between Deepika’s teeth as the beating resumed. Each whack hurt worse than the last on her tender, reddening skin. She looked to one side and saw the guards leaning against the wall, enjoying every moment, the crotches of their pants tenting over their swelling pricks. Time crawled horribly by. A minute? Two? Tears started from her eyes, her iron self control slipped a notch, and a grunt of pain escaped her lips. She threw her head back, clenching her fists, and futilely started to twist her hips from side to side in a vain attempt to escape the remorseless, pitiless machine.

Norton’s laugh rang across the room. He stood in front of her with fists on hips, perfectly at ease and looking ready to let this continue all day.

‘I think we’re getting through to her!’

Perspiring now, her nude body gleaming with moisture, she was no longer able to keep from moaning and crying out under the paddles.

‘Agh! Oww! Uhh!’

Hearing that voice it was hard to believe it was hers. Not that piteous cry of helpless distress, breathy with incipient tears, cracking with desperation. Panic rose suffocatingly in her breast at the realization that this was going to go on just as long as her smirking tormentor pleased. Like a stupid rookie she struggled ever harder against her unbreakable bonds, achieving nothing but to amuse her captors still further, and her sharp mind became clouded with no thought but to escape this childish, humiliating punishment. She bared her teeth like a trapped animal, tossed her head wildly, wailed like a girl and cried out in despair:

‘Stop! Please stop!’


She gasped in relief as Norton gave the command and the thrashing ceased. Limp and drained, she had no words when again he pulled her head back and trailed a stubby fingertip along the skin under her eye, hold it up to the light to inspect the teardrop which glistened there.

‘So. Had enough?’

‘Yes,’ she gasped wearily, her voice a whisper. ‘Please no more.’

‘You’ll apologize nicely to the Professor?’

‘Yes. Anything.’

‘You’ll be a good girl and not embarrass me when I take you back to see him?’

‘Yes. I promise.’

He grinned his satisfaction.

‘There now. Wasn’t so hard, was it?’

He stepped sideways, running a hand up her back. She winced as he roughly clutched one of her poor, punished buttocks.

‘Mm, that’s hot to the touch. We could fry eggs on your ass, girl.’

He chuckled and stepped back. He gave the operator a nod.

‘Give her another five minutes.’


The paddles whipped back into action and beat out their merciless tattoo on her flesh.

Deepika was still gulping down her sobs when she was hauled back to the control room and dumped on her knees at Alcibiades’ feet. Her hands bound tightly behind her back, she knelt there with head bowed, her hair tumbling over her face, her shoulders shaking as she panted for breath.

The Professor looked her over with a smile, admiring the fierce pink glow of her behind.

‘Well now, I see you’ve learned a good lesson. Anything to say to me?’

Deepika didn’t raise her head as she mumbled in a quavering voice:

‘I’m very sorry I was insolent, Professor.’

‘That’s better.’ His chest puffed up in pride and pleasure at the sight of the beautiful young woman groveling naked at his feet. ‘But my subordinates address me as “Sir”.’

‘Yes Sir. Sorry Sir.’

‘Good girl. Now then...’ He leaned forward to lift her chin with his fingertips and examine her tear-stained face. ‘What are you going to do to convince me it’s worth keeping you alive?’

She trembled, nervous at facing him but not daring to anger him by looking away.

‘I’m at your mercy, Sir. I’ll do whatever you wish if you’ll spare my life.’

‘That’s the attitude I’m looking for.’ His eyes burned with lust as he admired the full curve of her bosom and the smooth skin of her splayed thighs. ‘Well, we still have over an hour before your government responds to my demands. I think it’s time I showed you round my bedroom, don’t you?’

‘Yes Sir.’

Shakily she managed to regain her feet and followed him with downcast eyes to a pair of sliding doors beside the main view screen. She was about to follow him inside when she felt a meaty grip on her upper arm and Norton’s voice muttered fiercely in her ear:

‘You’d better not be thinking of trying anything while you’re in there.’

Deepika glanced round at him but ducked her head fearfully.

‘Please... I just want to stay alive.’

‘Come on, what’s the hold up?’ Alcibiades’ voice called out crossly from the bedroom. Reluctantly Norton slackened his grip.

‘All right. Just remember I’m going to be right outside.’

She hurried on and the doors slid shut behind her. Professor Alcibiades’ quarters were luxuriously appointed with plush, ankle-deep carpets, fine artworks on the wall and, dominating the space, a huge four-poster bed with ornate gilt fittings and carved mahogany supports. He stood facing her, slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

‘Onto the bed, girl.’

Meekly she complied, climbing up onto the four-poster and kneeling there while he stripped off his shirt, revealing a pale but lean and muscular torso. After a couple of hesitant attempts, she plucked up the nerve to speak:

‘Sir? May I... may I please have my hands untied so that I can please you more fully?’

He gave a snort of laughter.

‘Ha! Do I look that big a fool to you?’

‘Fair enough.’ She nodded her acceptance of his decision, and a hard spark of life flared in her voice. ‘In that case... I guess I’ll just have to do this the hard way.’

In an explosion of energy she leaped from the bed, flying feet first across the room to wrap her legs about the shocked Alcibiades’ throat. He crashed to the ground under the impact, his spluttering face forced up against her crotch and his neck squeezed suffocatingly between her thighs. His features contorted in fury, disbelief and terror.

‘Oh, stop complaining,’ Deepika muttered. ‘You’d pay two hundred pounds an hour for this in Soho.’

He gasped for breath, dragging in air to shout for help, and with a twist of her lithely muscled hips she wrenched his neck sideways, straining his spine almost to snapping point. ‘Now, you’re not going to disturb the nice people outside are you?’ She squeezed tighter, cutting off his air supply completely. ‘Nod your head if you understand I’d break your neck long before they reached you.’

His eyes blazed festering hatred up at her, but stiffly he gave a single nod and she eased the pressure just enough to let him have some air. He sucked in oxygen and whispered up at her in a malevolent hiss:

‘You bitch, I’ll see you suffer for this.’

‘Like you were going to be sweet to me otherwise. Now shut up because there’s only one thing I want to talk to you about. I’m going to figure out a way to get back out there and finish what I started, and to do that I need the security code for your earthquake machine. Don’t bother trying to trick me. I find guys have great difficulty lying convincingly when they have their faces stuffed in my pussy.’

Alcibiades bared his teeth furiously.

‘You’ll never get out of here alive. You’re alone, naked and unarmed in the middle of my base. What chance do you have?’

‘Let me worry about that. Now stop wasting time and speak up. I do have the option to just kill you and hope you’re the only one who knows how to work the machine.’

Sullenly, Alcibiades accepted the reality of the threat. Deepika watched his eyes closely as he spoke the numbers, alert for the telltale flicker which would tell her he was lying.

‘Three... eight... four... two... eight... five.’

She smiled her satisfaction and sat back on his chest.

‘Good boy. Now I’ll just...’

The impact on the back of her head came from nowhere. Black light scorched the inside of her skull and the world blinked out.

* * *

Norton raised the butt of his pistol ready for a second blow, but Agent W7 rolled limply sideways and slumped unconscious to the ground. Scowling, Alcibiades accepted the offer of a hand to help him struggle to his feet.

‘I hope, Major Norton,’ he snapped ungraciously, ‘that you didn’t disregard my specific instructions not to use the security cameras to watch us in here?’

‘No sir,’ Norton stated blandly. ‘I just thought I heard a suspicious noise and decided I’d better check.’

‘Hmm.’ Alcibiades gave him an unconvinced, penetrating look, but decided to let it go. ‘All right, then. Now go and pick out a presentable girl from the maintenance unit and send her to me here. I have some frustrations to work out.’

‘Yes sir. What about her?’

Alcibiades glanced down at Deepika’s crumpled figure and sniffed contemptuously.

‘She’s too much trouble to keep alive. Dispose of her.’


‘But make it a slow death, Norton.’ Alcibiades lip took on an ugly curl as his hate-filled eyes burned down at the bound, unconscious young woman. ‘I want her to have to time to think about what’s happening to her.’

* * *

With a skull-pounding headache and a fierce bruise swelling under her hair, Deepika concentrated on gathering her scattered wits as she was marched along a chilly, narrow corridor somewhere deep down in the utility decks of the base. Norton’s big hand shoved her roughly between the shoulders, making her stumble and almost lose her balance.

‘Pleased with yourself, eh? You could have had a pretty sweet deal as the Professor’s plaything, but you had to get smart and now you’re just going to be dead.’

‘Decided he wasn’t my type,’ she muttered.

Still naked, her wrists still bound, she didn’t waste time trying to think of a way to escape Norton and the six armed guards who surrounded her. The big soldier’s taunts had given her little idea of what fate he had in store for her. Only that it was going to be slow, and unpleasant, and he was going to enjoy it.

They marched to the end of the passageway, where a hinged metal grating was padlocked shut in the floor. Below, it was too dark to see what lay in wait, but a rank smell wafted up to Deepika’s twitching nostrils.

‘Right,’ said Norton, producing a fresh loop of rope. ‘Down on the floor. On your belly.’

She paused, then turned to him.

‘Okay - but if you’re going to kill me, don’t I get a last request?’ She slipped forward and pressed her body up against his, her breasts flattening against the muscular bulk of his torso, her head tilting back to look up at him with a pouty smile. ‘I haven’t had it since yesterday and I don’t want to die without one last shag. Come on, Norton, you’ve got time for a quick one, surely?’

His face expressionless, he slowly placed his hands on her shoulders and ran them exploratively down her body to clasp her buttocks. He held on tight, his powerful fingers tightening their grip till she winced from the pain. He chuckled derisively.

‘So you can look for a way to garrotte me with my own shoelaces? I don’t think so.’

In a sudden, violent move he seized her shoulders and thrust her down onto her knees, shoving her forward onto the floor and pinning her down with a foot in the small of her back. He twisted his boot against her spine and sneered at her whimper of pain.

‘Now let’s get you neatly packaged and ready for your final journey.’

Messages In This Thread
RE: Deepika Padukone and the Earthquake man - by hotaks - 11-09-2014, 11:43 AM

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