Deepika Padukone ki Chudai
12-08-2014, 04:29 PM,
Deepika Padukone ki Chudai
It was a glorious balmy summer evening in Sydney as I attended a lavish charity dinner at the famous Sydney Opera House. I was there escorting my long time friend and recent Miss Universe winner Jennifer Hawkins. Jennifer and I had known each other for most of our lives.

Growing up and going to the same school together I was one of the first people to recognize her natural beauty and gave her the confidence to go out and make it for herself, long before Indy, and even before she ever thought about being a Newcastle Knights Cheerleader.

Wanting to thank me for our years of friendship, she treated me to the extravagant event. As expected the dinner was attended by boring old stuffed shirts and Australia's elite. I was sure Jennifer and I were probably the youngest couple there.

Bored out of our minds, we stepped out onto the patio and enjoyed the view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and Harbour, when I then noticed some activity in the corner of my eye. While Jennifer went to refill our glasses, I looked over to see what all the fuss was about and was immediately floored!

From across the gallery I spotted the most exquisite creature I had ever laid eyes on. Making her way towards me, she was flanked by minders and security, with photographer and reporters close in toe. As she passed my way we briefly made eye contact and exchanged a friendly smile.

"My God, who the hell is that?" I said out loud.

Hearing me, one of the nearby camera men, who was reloading his camera replied, "Gorgeous isn't she. That's Deepika Ria, one of Bollywood's most famous leading ladies..."

She was one of the most exquisite and elegant women I had ever seen.

The woman exuded femininity, sophistication and grace. Dressed sexily but tastefully, she was clad in an elegant tight body hugging evening dress which showed off her ample cleavage, her hour glass figure, and her tight round butt.

With her flawless dark skin, long slender legs, and open heeled shoes, she stood at almost 6 foot tall.

Inside, I watched as she worked the room, chatting and mingling with various dignitaries. Slowly working her way towards me, I finally found myself ease dropping into one of her conversations. Listening to her speak I was more than impressed as I found her to be extremely intelligent, polite, courteous, and cultured.

Turning to face me, we stopped and stared into each others eyes for a moment before I then introduced myself.

Gently shaking her hand, we then began to chat and flirt with each other and we soon found ourselves breaking away from the rest of the crowd. I was instantly impressed with her, and her sexy English/Indian accent was amazing.

She was the epitome of beauty, and as others soon mingled around us I made the decision to stick out from the rest and speak my mind.

Out of the blue I told her, "Hmm yeah, you've gone a bit hardcore with the make up there haven't you?"

The others all fell silent and looked at me in absolute shock horror. I could tell Deepika herself was a little taken back by my comment but wasn't in the least upset. If anything she flashed me a curious look and seemed intrigued by my comment.

As I went on to explain, we watched the others squirm awkwardly and leave - not wanting to have anything to do with me or my explanation. I didn't know it at the time, but Deepika had a notorious reputation for being short tempered and mean.

"Don't get me wrong," I casually explained, "You're still one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, honesty,"

I couldn't believe it, hearing my compliment she actually started to blush a little, and with a nod of her head she directed her minders who were constantly standing just a few feet behind her to go away, and give us some extra privacy.

She then grinned, "Go on."

Seeing her reaction I added, "You can't be serious? Are you telling me you've never heard someone tell you that before?"

"No, of course I have," She smiled, "it's just you'd be surprised how rarely I actually hear it."


"Yes I know," she replied as she slowly moved towards the large window – holding a glass of champagne and looking out at the spectacular view of Sydney Harbour.

"Even though I know what most people are thinking when they look at me, I guess a lot of them just find me intimidating, and are afraid to approach me let alone tell me what they really feel. Unlike yourself of course,"

"Well it's true, and I'm glad I made an impression," I stated.

"I've gotta tell you," I added, "I'm also glad to see that you're actually as intelligent as you are beautiful… quite a combination,"

Smiling widely I could tell there was a definite attraction growing between us. Flirting openly with each other, I actually started to think I might have a chance with this beauty.

A minute later Jennifer appeared, and after introducing herself we were all then ushered into a large foyer, away from the prying eyes of the cameras and press and where we could all be ourselves and have a few more drinks before commencing dinner.

Once there, we all mingled some more and it was then Deepika was asked by a minder to go over and briefly meet a few more VIP's – including the Prime minister.

Not wanting to seem disappointed, I simply smiled and prepared to step away, but not before I was surprised and rewarded by her turning back towards me and saying, "I'll be right back, so don't go anywhere."

Handing me her glass of champagne she then flashed me this extremely seductive look which made it abundantly clear to me that not only would she be coming back but if I played my card right we'd be leaving the event later together as well.

As she made her way across the room almost everyone stopped and admired her – including myself. I couldn't believe my luck, Deepika would by far be the most exotic and ravishing woman I had ever picked up. She really was the most beautiful woman in the room.

I watched from a far as she was then introduced to the PM, and from across the room we exchanged a few knowing glances at each other. Watching us, Jennifer snuck up behind me.

"Hey! Man, she's definitely got a thing for you if you ask me. You'd have to be blind not to see it."

As Jennifer and I laughed together, I then got a little anxious as I watched Deepika being led and introduced to a group of senator's From Canberra – a group of politicians I loathed and had a few dealings with over the years. Catching sight of me and Jennifer together we both knew they were talking about us.

Glancing over every now and then I watched as Deepika's facial expression slowly changed.

By the look on their faces, particularly hers, I knew she had found out about my occupation, and was more than a little shocked and disappointed. The truth had finally come out. The truth was I was a pornographer, and a fairly successful one at that.

In Australia I was infamous for being the largest producer and distributor of triple x material in the southern hemisphere – and the only reason I was even permitted to attend or step anywhere near the lavish event was because of Jennifer and her status.

Of course being crowned Miss Universe had its privileges, and one of them was to allow her to invite who ever she wanted to escort her.

Seeing the reaction I was getting from Deepika's circle from across the room I could tell I was fucked. All the great work and progress I had made with her over the last hour had taken all of just 10 minutes to fall apart.

As dinner was then announced, everyone slowly made their way into the lavish dinning hall. Suddenly Deepika looked concerned and seemed to want to confirm where she was sitting. I suspected she didn't want to be anywhere around me or have anything to do with us.

As luck would have it, not only were we seated at the same table, but placed only two seats away from each other – with Jennifer separating us. From the moment we sat down, Deepika completely ignored me and didn't even look in my direction let alone speak.

Meanwhile Jennifer and I couldn't stop laughing at the incredible awkward situation we suddenly found ourselves in. The girl just looked pissed off, badly, and yet the angrier she got, the hotter I thought she looked.

Checking her out a few times during the L'Entrée, Jennifer bumped me under the table playfully, warning me not to look at her.

Getting a few dirty looks from the Indian goddess, I just shrugged it off and tried to enjoy myself while Jennifer then smiled and winked at me, lending me her support. I think Deepika probably felt like I had somehow lied or deceived her. But the truth was, I just hadn't gotten around to telling her what I did - truth be told, she never asked.

It wasn't the first time I had been given the cold shoulder because of my lifestyle. I was use to it, but this time I really felt bad. This girl was amazing and I actually thought there was some strong chemistry. Resigned to my fate I simply ordered another glass of Drambuie and dismissed it.

As expected, after Dinner we all sat around for a few minutes chatting. It was then I noticed Deepika wouldn't speak until she heard me say something, and only then she would deliberately take every opposite view point I had - as if wanting to make a point and starting an argument with me.

It was obvious right away that now we don't get along at all as she even began to make a few snide comments about me, but not directly at me. Then in an uncharacteristic outburst I was just in the middle of a conversation with someone from across the table when she suddenly jumped in.

Turning to look at me she said, "You know, we have people like you in India, and do you know what we do with them? We feed them to the tigers!"

Not wanting to argue with her I replied, "Ohhkay, I think it's time I go outside for a little break, Jen"

And with that I politely excused myself and got up from the table before Jennifer kissed me on the cheek and flashed Deepika a dirty look. Taking two steps away from the table I was just about to walk away when all hell broke lose.

As I stepped away, Deepika then turned to Jennifer and said "And you, how can you associate yourself with a man like that?"

Like me, Jennifer wasn't known to be one for pulling her punches and went right off, telling her to mind her own business.

Jennifer exclaimed, "Listen, here in Australia we're not as close minded as some,"

"What! How dare you!!" Deepika replied, "And what the hell is that suppose to mean?"

"Oh, I dunno?" Jennifer mocked, "Use you're fucking imagination…"

The entire table gasped with Jennifer's crude language. I don't' think anyone had ever expected some as beautiful as Jennifer having the mouth of a sailor.

"Did you just swear at me?" Deepika protested, before looking at the other guests, "Did she just…"

With that Jennifer also got up and we both walked away from the table just as it was starting to get interesting.

Outside, I lit up a cigarette and tried to calm my nerves while Jennifer then went on the hunt looking for the first waiter as she wanted to get pissed. We couldn't believe Deepika's behaviour, and just as I was thinking about it, a moment later Deepika appeared from inside - apparently wanting to talk to me.

"Ah fuck, here we go," I said to myself.

She apparently wanted to confront me - acting as though I had somehow lied to her.

Deepika spoke, "Look, I'm sorry but I cannot believe someone like yourself could or would ever want to be into that,"

"Into what?"

"Into... that seedy world... that, pornography!"

She then began to talk down to me, as if preaching and trying to convert me.

She continued, "Didn't you ever want a different life for yourself?"

Rolling my eyes I replied, "Didn't you?"

Carrying on with her moral speech, she was really starting to get on my nerves, acting all high and mighty.

She then said, "You know, sex isn't everything,"

"Yeah well, then I guess you're just not doing it right,"

"Excuse me?" Deepika raised an eyebrow, "Look, I was generous enough to come to talk to you, and try and talk some sense into you, and you…"

"HEY!" I let loose, "Don't do me any favours okay, mind your own fucking business and worry about yourself!"

Deepika's face was priceless, and she had a look of absolute shock.

Leaning in I continued, "Listen, you walk around here like you own the fucking place… but you got a look in your eye like you haven't been FUCKED in years!"

Deepika looked so shocked and stunned, I wasn't quite sure what she was going to do? I doubted anyone had ever spoken to her like that, and she seemed to have lost the power of speech. Enraged, without warning she then slapped me sharply and squarely across the face.


In the background I could hear people gasp loudly, before her minders panicked and rushed over, wanting to drag her away from me and calm her down.

Without reacting I then calmly replied, "Okay. Feel better?"

Hey, it wasn't the first or last time I had been slapped by an incredibly beautiful woman.

Meanwhile, Deepika raised her hand to her staff and shooed them away. Then she just continued to stare at me with absolute distain - waiting to see what I was going to do or say to her slapping me. Considering I had already been slapped, I thought I really didn't have anything to lose and spoke my mind.

I then ask her flat out, "Let me ask you something... sugar tits, when was the last time you got fucked!"

Seeing her horrified look, I smirked, "I rest my case."

She stood there speechless for another moment before she finally found the power of speech and threatened me - her voice low and shaky.

"How... dare... you... speak to me in that way!"

And with that she slapped me again - hitting me in the exact spot she did just a minute earlier.


"Wow," I thought to myself, "That one kind of hurt,"

People all around us just watched in awe until finally one of her maidens had the courage to come over and attempt to finally pull her away from me.

"Please, please Ms Ria, you two are causing a scene... we have to get you back inside..."

Flashing me a very evil look, Deepika was ushered back into the Dinning hall just as Jennifer reappeared with our drinks.

Seeing the commotion and watching Deepika being pulled back inside Jennifer asked, "What was that all about?"

I told her, "I dunno, the girls got a hard on for me or something,"

"Oh? Okay," Jennifer shrugged, and with that we enjoyed our glasses of champers.

A few minutes later, while Jennifer and I were chatting and enjoying ourselves on the balcony, Deepika suddenly appeared once again and walked towards me. It seemed the Bollywood actress hadn't got everything off her chest yet and wanted to argue some more.

Spotting her, I told Jennifer, "You have got to be kidding,"

Jennifer looked around and then huffed in frustration. Deepika ignored her and spoke directly to me.

"Look, I just want to apologies about earlier," she said, "to both of you,"

Fed up with her, and with nothing to lose I spoke my mind again.

"For the love of god, what is it that's bothering you? What... do... you... want?"

Slightly drunk, Jennifer giggled (knowing what I'm like) which caused me to chuckle as well.

Spilling her champagne, Jennifer quickly walked off laughing, leaving us alone again. And again, Deepika stood silent in front of me – shocked at my behaviour and apparent lack of manners. Laughing and smiling at Jennifer from across the patio, Deepika groaned.

"You rude brute. I have the decency to come over and apologies to you, and you…"

"Well who asked you to?" I interrupted her.

Again she went silent, and finally replied, "I have NEVER met anyone like you. You disgust me!"

I took another swig from my glass and enjoyed the view - being painfully obvious that I didn't want her company. Looking back I noticed her still standing there staring at me?!?

I then said, "Are you still here? What the fuck do you want! Leave me THE FUCK alone!!"

Messages In This Thread
Deepika Padukone ki Chudai - by hotaks - 12-08-2014, 04:29 PM
RE: Deepika Padukone ki Chudai - by hotaks - 12-08-2014, 04:30 PM

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