Entertainment wreatling fedration
01-07-2019, 09:26 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-05-2019, 08:57 PM by Patel777.)
RE: Entertainment wreatling fedration



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 Introducing her opponents led to the ring by their manager Rick Flair 
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NADINE KERASTAS has gone 25-0 each superstars she has dominated in many ways performing all kinds of moves from sexual femdon moves to traditional wrestling moves & explosive marital arts. NADINE may only be 5 ft 7 but she can whack a punch, she loves to get off on dominating her men. Thus far she has beaten all members of Evolution, including Rick Flair, but this is the first time she has had to take them on altogether. As for evolution they want to put their continual loss to NADINE KERASTAS to one side & this is the perfect place to move on. NADINE KERASTAS even eliminated all three members in the Royal Rumble.


NADINE KERASTAS in her corner tugging on her boots as she prepares, flicks her hair back, as she knows men desire her, she has them eating & wanting more each time they see her, usually even though she dominates her men, she still destroys them. Evolution having a little pep talk, as all three know what it like to be on the receiving end of her beating them. Randy Orton wants to start things off first, as NADINE KERASTAS always takes things in her stride, never ever hardly rushed, unless she is the one doing it. NADINE  & Orton move about the ring as NADINE KERASTAS ( with her back to the bottom left of screen corner ) SHORT LINE CLOTHES LINES Randy Orton with such sexy movement she still twisted him through the air as he landed on his back on the canvass. NADINE KERASTAS crouches down over him to REVERSE CHIN LOCK Orton who is fighting as his teammates off advice. NADINE KERASTAS always the sweet, sexy, seductive, horny talker as she arouses her opponents with her actions in the ring, as NADINE KERASTAS tells Orton's teammates " Encourage him all you want, it means I get to have more fun with him ", as Triple H & Batista both step through the ropes, as they do NADINE KERASTAS grabs Orton by his balls whilst she CHIN LOCKS him & she squeezes his nuts, as she whispers in his ear missed by referee ordering Batista & Triple H back to their corners. Orton is told " I will make it hurt like hell, by the time I am done with each of you " as NADINE KERASTAS releases his balls, as she dug her sharp pointy red fingernails into is balls too which hurt even more. NADINE KERASTAS long since released the illegal ploy, as she now exchanges words with the referee, " I have no idea about grabbing anyone balls, I can't help it, if Orton finds me so sexy & desirable that he has a massive hard on that hurts him"

NADINE KERASTAS allows Orton to his feet as he commences to SIDE ELBOW SHOTS her midriff ... one, ,..... two, ... three times &then Orton ( with his back to the bottom right of screen corner ) JUMPING DOUBLE DROP KICKS her to the chest, her breasts actually as she drops to the canvass, but she pops up to her feet as Orton did too & NADINE KERASTAS KARATE SPIN KICKS Orton to the face it spins him in a 360 degree angle & it allows NADINE KERASTAS to SCOPE BODY SLAM Orton in his own corner, as she walks away with a gorgeous strut as NADINE KERASTAS tells them " Here you want me so badly, then by all means tag in ". Randy Orton gets up as he tells his partners " No I got this, no stupid bitch is going to play with me ", as Randy orton comes at NADINE KERASTAS ( who with her back to the titantron ) KARATE FOREARMS his face ... one, .... two, ...... three, ..... four times, as Randy orton out of desperation tries a EUROPEAN UPPERCUT ( as Orton had his back to the top right of screen corner, whilst in the middle of the ring ) however NADINE KERASTAS instead AIRPLANE SPINS Orton as she grabbed & NADINE KERASTAS spins him ......... one, ..............., two ................... three, ............................... four, .......... five times around, before NADINE KERASTAS BODY SLAMS him in the corner ( top left of screen corner ). NADINE KERASTAS allows a staggering & groggy Orton to get to his feet, as his head must be spinning from those 5 complete AIRPLANE SPINS are different rotation speeds. NADINE KERASTAS KARATE THRUST KICKS Orton to the chest to plant him against the corner & then she looks at her nail whilst FRONT ON BOOT PRESSES him to his chest as Orton having difficulty breathing. NADINE KERASTAS under instructions from the referee releases Orton. Orton comes away from the corner ( top right of screen corner ) in somewhat distress as NADINE KERASTAS stands hands on hips between Orton & him reaching his tag team partners. Orton charges at NADINE KERASTAS who MILITARY PRESS HOISTS Orton & then holds him above her head with her hair flowing whilst maintaining this power house move. NADINE KERASTAS turns from facing ( top right of screen corner to the bottom right of screen corner ) where the rest of Evolution look on. NADINE KERASTAS without flinching walks over towards their corner ( just out of their reach, bottom right of screen ) & NADINE KERASTAS shows off her incredible wrestling combination of sex appeal & wrestling skills which she uses in destroying her opponents, which many experts believe will lead NADINE KERASTAS to many title wins & title reigns. 

NADINE KERASTAS appearing sexually aroused herself as she seems smoking hot from what she just did & now is looking like she having the time of her life. You can literally hear as I'm sure ourt viewers at home can make out as they have probably turned up the volume full throttle. It appears or it seems like NADINE KERASTAS is making seductive satisfied sexual murmurs, as NADINE KERASTAS BENCH PRESSES Randy Orton who she is already holding in a MILITARY PRESS HOISTS & has been for this past thirty to one minute. NADINE KERASTAS continuing to maintain Orton above her head as she displays her incredible strength as NADINE KERASTAS performs .... one, ...... two, ...... three, ..... four, ..... five, ..... six, .....seven, ..... eight, ...... nine, MILITARY into BENCH PRESSES above her head, before NADINE KERASTAS BACK BREAKS Orton whilst she licks her lips seductively looking into the facial expressions of his teammates ... one, ....................... two, ..................... three, ........... four, ........................ five, ................... sixth, ............................................ seven timed in a row & each time NADINE KERASTAS was making out, as if her orgasm was coming on & on, the more she did it. NADINE KERASTAS just delivered 7 COMBO BACK BREAKS prior to releasing him & that coming after her other two impressive shows of strength which at all times she retained her gorgeous sex appeal. Many men in the crowd are sitting totally uncomfortable as they witnessed NADINE KERASTAS toy with Randy orton as his partners appear concerned & scared of her now. NADINE KERASTAS doesn't help ease their concerns as she now hurls Orton to the corner ( bottom right of screen corner ) & as if using him as live bait for them to come to rescue him. Many men appear to be leaving for the bathroom & women too it seems, as many men we have been informed appear to have wet spots in the front of their pants which probably answers another interesting question. Do some men, get a sexual hard on seeing a woman manhandle a superstar or superstars ? My guess is that if Madison Square Gardens is sold out & only over 18's allowed, the answer to that would probably be yes & even some of the women seemed flashed & turned on by the look of their faces as camera pan around the crowd trying to get normal shot,s maybe the camera for now should stay focused on the action & now the facial expression of the fans in the crowd. Seeing this unfolding begs another question is this professional wrestling both a sports entertainment & adult entertainment, it appears both. 

Meanwhile NADINE KERASTAS walked away seductively showing off her ass to her opponents, as she looks back " Boys, by the way I am going to make each of you kiss my beautiful ass, before I am done with you three, ok my bitches "NADINE KERASTAS doing some wardrobe adjustments as she now shows a little more of her sexy wet & perspiring breasts & nipples whilst in her corner as she waits to see what Evolution plan on doing. Triple H & Batista are leaving, that's right they have seen enough, as Rick Flair is desperately trying to reason with them that they need to face their demons & they need to face NADINE KERASTAS who by the way has Orton in a CRUCIFIX HOISTS into holding him for ( .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five, .... six secondsas she faced the far side of the ring ) & then NADINE KERASTAS effortlessly POWER BOMBS Randy orton near the ropes ( far side of the ring ) he could almost touch them as NADINE KERASTAS warms him " I dare you to grab for the ropes Orton & I will send you home with her dick in a mistress trap ", as Orton looked up & murmured he wouldn't, whilst NADINE KERASTAS blows kisses to the fans whilst she uses her LEG SPLITS PIN to cover the chest area of Orton, whilst she simply flicks her hair back & leg splits covers with ease Orton who hasn't moved now & has is arms & legs outstretched as he is all sprawled out on the canvass & the referee counts .... one, .... two, .... three count, as RANDY ORTON IS ELIMINATED by Pin Fall

Batista & Triple H haven't been as yet counted out, because technically they weren't legally tagged in, so they are still part of this match, it appears that Flair's has explained to them, should they have walked away, that it would be a career ending decision if they did walk away. Batista is the one to step forward, as NADINE KERASTAS speaks to them sexily " Boys, boys ( as she does a sexy spin for them ), as you can both see, I am too much woman for one of you, so why don't both of you try me ". NADINE KERASTAS winks at them sexily as she poses as if doing a run away model shoot. NADINE KERASTAS has both Triple H & Batista trying to get a fix on her either side. Triple H ( bottom left of screen ) & Batista ( with his back to the main camera ) both lounge at NADINE KERASTAS who LEAPING KARATE LEG SPLITS them to their throat & then a second time as she was still elevated in the air before she landed on the canvass. Batista & Triple H are reeling as NADINE KERASTAS grabs the back of their heads & then she smears their faces. NADINE KERASTAS ( facing the main camera ) has Batista ( with his back to the commentators pressed against her right of screen breast ), whilst NADINE KERASTAS places the equally groggy Triple's face into her ( left of screen breast, as he has his back to the titantron ) & NADINE KERASTAS smears there face either side of her breasts ( for .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four, .... five seconds ) until Rick Flair yells out " Now do it, know you'v set the trap, quickly do it now " & with that. Batista & Triple H suddenly DOUBLE CHOKE SLAMMED NADINE KERASTAS to the canvass. Rick Flair is going off is head on the outside saying ' wooooooooooo, .......... wooooooooooooooo, .................. wooooooooooooooooooo, ....................., wooooooooooooooooooooooooo'. Triple h & Batista now DOUBLE TEAM NADINE KERASTAS again as they DOUBLE SUPLEX SLAM her to the canvass, as it was a set up, as they knew NADINE KERASTAS performed these routines in her matches, so they sacrificed Orton to make their plan work. Batista & Triple H ( with their backs to the far side of the ring ) DOUBLE WHIPS NADINE KERASTAS to the ropes & on her return from those ropes (towards the main camera ropes ) they DOUBLE BACK BODY DROPPED NADINE KERASTAS with high elevation & rotation through the air, before she landed on her back near the ropes & her legs are tangled in the ropes, actually resting on the middle ropes ( far side of the ring ).

Batista has NADINE KERASTAS in the corner ( bottom left of screen ) as he BATISTA SHOULDER RAMS her against the corner .... one, .... two, .... three, ..... four times, before he POWERFUL WHIPS her into the direction of Triple H ( who with his back to the commentators ) SPINNING SPINE BUSTER SLAMS NADINE KERASTAS to the canvass, then he stands up as he flexes his muscles, as Batista does likewise too & they both have turned their backs on NADINE KERASTAS who is on all fours trying to get up, she is feeling the double teaming blows. Triple H is first to come over to NADINE KERASTAS, as he takes his time, as they toy with her now, as Triple H ( waited .... one, .... two, .... three, .... four seconds) before he MIDRIFF STOMPS her as NADINE KERASTAS ( had her back to the commentators ) & he PEDIGREES her, no as NADINE KERASTAS OVERHEAD BACK DROPS Triple H to counter & then NADINE KERASTAS KARATE SPIN KICKS Batista coming at her & failing to apply the breaks on time, as he ran into a SPIN KICK to his chest & then NADINE KERASTAS KARATE THIGHS LIFTS his face & DOWNWARD ELBOW DRIVES Batista to his neck at the same time & Batista falls to all fours on the canvass. Batista looks side on up as he sees his gorgeous opponents stance & then NADINE KERASTAS SOCCER KICKS his rib cage ... one, .... two, ... three times, until Triple H from BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX her to put her momentum surge on hold for now. Batista gasping for air as his rubs are broken or his copped a punctured lung or both. Triple H standing over NADINE KERASTAS as he pulls her up by her hair, but NADINE KERASTAS on one knee ( with her back to the bottom right of screen corner ) MIDRIFF KARATE PUNCHES Triple H ... one, .... two, ..... three times, as Triple H DOWNWARD FURY RIGHTS NADINE KERASTAS looking up RAPID KNEELING BOXING KARATE UPPER CUTS Triple H in response .... one, .... two, .... three times, as NADINE KERASTAS then LOW BLOWS Triple H ... once, ...twice, .... three times, as he falls to the canvass holding his dick.

NADINE KERASTAS comes over to Batista who is suffering as she pulls him up to hoists him high into the air & NADINE KERASTAS CRUCIFIX POWER BOMBS Batista & leaves him flat on his back as she covers him as she now drained physically from the battle, even though she still remains sexy. NADINE KERASTAS REVERSE HEADSCISSORS Batista as she covers his face with her front & squeezes his head between her thighs using this move to regroup & compose herself as Batista taps out as he passing out, AS BATISTA HAS BEEN ELIMINATED. Meanwhile after NADINE KERASTAS released Batista, she was immediately set upon by Triple H & Triple H ( coming off the a run up, starting point, bottom right of screen ) & he delivered a excellent well timed HIGH KNEE DROPS her to the back of her head as he measured the move & times his move to perfection whilst NADINE KERASTAS was engaged with another opponent Triple H pulls her up, as he sets her up as NADINE KERASTAS press her face as she rests the side of face against his hard on, as Triple H is taunting her & telling her now " Sorry honey, I am already spoken for " as NADINE KERASTAS out of no where " I knew that " & then  NADINE KERASTAS DOUBLE LEG SLAMS Triple H to the canvass & the back of his head bounced off the canvass. NADINE KERASTAS has Triple H up on his feet & then NADINE KERASTAS STANDING DANGLING BEAR HUGS Triple H off his feet as he is draped over her right shoulder as he is gone, the fight is gone from him, as Flair yells " Come on H, fight it, you can still beat her ". NADINE KERASTAS then SPINE BUSTER POWER SLAMS PINS Triple H & she lands directly on top of him with authority pinning his shoulders to the mat & she displays this authority in the pin fall .... one, .... two, .... three count, as Triple H was out of it & the fans go wild as they celebrate NADINE KERASTAS's win.
NADINE KERASTAS is exhausted, but she out lasted three members of Evolution & her stocks continue to rise & who on gods earth can stop her momentum charge towards the championship belt as she leaves the ring after placing a boot on the manhood of Triple H & rubs it telling him " Your just not enough hard enough for me sugar".



Messages In This Thread
Entertainment wreatling fedration - by Patel777 - 01-06-2019, 10:09 AM
RE: Entertainment wreatling fedration - by Patel777 - 01-07-2019, 09:26 PM

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