07-02-2020, 01:07 AM,
Svetlana Swimmer was shocked when she discovered her husband's infidelity. Married just two years she assumed her husband Ivan was just "Busy" all those times he didn't come home right after work. The pretty blond found out the hard way when she discovered incriminating photos of Ivan and a coworker engaged in all kinds of lewd behavior. Ivan really had no excuse. Svetlana had to assume he didn't love her anymore if he ever did in the first place.<br/><br/>Now, two years later, Svetlana was starting a new career as a nurse at a suburban Brooklyn hospital. It was something she'd always wanted to do: Help other people. The work was rewarding. Well, it would be rewarding someday. As a new employee Svetlana ended up doing a lot of the jobs the more experienced nurses preferred not to do. Like emptying bedpans and giving sponge baths! Ugh!<br/><br/>But Svetlana was glad to be working in her chosen field and knew that complaining would get her very little in her first few weeks at the job. She had to earn her way up the ladder at Coney Island Hospital and, if bedpans and sponge baths were necessary then she'd deal with them.<br/><br/>One morning a young man, only a few years younger than Svetlana's 24 years was admitted. He'd been injured in an industrial accident and both of his hands were badly banged up. He'd broken two ribs as well and was pretty sore all over. Mark or "Mack" as he was called by coworkers and family, was a good natured boy and was somewhat chagrined by his accident.<br/><br/>"Aw it was my own damn fault!" He'd sheepishly admitted. "Shoulda been looking where I was goin'" He was a big strong guy and Svetlana could tell he was going to have a tough time laying out in a hospital for what promised to be a fairly long stay. Svetlana got to know the lad as she was required to empty his bedpan every day. At the end of Mark's first week, Svetlana's superior, Maya, told her it was time to learn how to give a sponge bath.<br/><br/>"Now you have to just accept that he's just a man like any other and he needs to be cleaned up so he won't smell and be embarrassed here. Most men are actually shy about being bathed by a woman but if you do it in a matter of fact way, they get used to it pretty quick." Maya instructed. "Just wash him down, stem to stern, and then dry him off real nice with a clean towel. Nothing more to it than that."<br/><br/>Svetlana assumed that Maya would wash Mark herself to demonstrate how it was done but she quickly found herself with a sponge and a pail of soapy water in her hands! The pretty young divorcee began to wet the sponge when Maya reminded her to remove Mark's hospital gown. "Can't bathe a man with his clothes on now can we?" She calmly remarked.<br/><br/>Svetlana quickly complied and then Mark's solid young frame was exposed to her. There were bandages covering both of his hands and his midsection was black and blue from the blow he'd suffered.<br/><br/>"Careful right there," Maya instructed, pointing to the bruises.<br/><br/>"And don't get the bandages wet."<br/><br/>Svetlana began to wash the young man somewhat self-consciously. She hadn't seen a naked man since her divorce and, honestly, Ivan wasn't exactly a stud muffin to begin with. Mark, on the other hand, looked like he worked out every day.which he probably did at his construction job. She washed his legs, underarms and, gently, his chest.<br/><br/>"Now, don't forget 'The Rest' of him honey." Maya joked. Knowing what she was expected to do, Svetlana moved the sponge to Mark's large but flaccid penis. "Work him good there now honey!" Maya smiled. "That'll remind him of why he wants to get better! Heh heh!"<br/><br/>Both Mark and Svetlana were now beginning to blush at Maya's earthy comment. Svetlana rubbed the sponge all over Mark's penis and, uh oh! It began to swell right before her eyes! The bed ridden young man was getting a hard on!<br/><br/>"Hah! I thought you'd like that Mark!" Maya cracked. "Never met a red blooded youngster that didn't!"<br/><br/>Mark was mortified! There wasn't much he could do about it, however. His penis seemed to have a mind of its own. The beautiful young nurse that had captured his imagination the first time he'd seen her that confusing day when he'd ended up here was now massaging his cock! Even when she moved the sponge up onto his belly his penis continued to grow. He watched Svetlana's face as she began to towel him off wondering "Where has she been all my life?"<br/><br/>"OK now 'Mr. Stiffy!' Maya finally said, "You calm down now and maybe getcha forty winks before dinner."<br/><br/>"I'm.I'm certainly learning new things here." Svetlana admitted to herself. "That wasn't so bad I guess."<br/><br/>"I was just funnin' with you in there sugar." Maya said quietly as they walked down the hall afterwards. "Sometimes you have to go a bit beyond the call of duty so to speak to help these people. That young feller, I guarantee you, never spent a day of his life in a hospital and now here he is: All banged up and dependin' on us to make him well. A little thrill like that will keep his spirits up you know? Give him somethin' to look forward to."<br/><br/>Svetlana had to admit, nursing was turning out to be a lot different than she expected. The patients, for the most part, were crabby and whiny and the visiting families were demanding and difficult. She'd been insulted, degraded, spoken down to and, quite honestly, infuriated in her short tenure at the hospital. The sense of fulfillment she had been expecting was elusive somehow.<br/><br/>But, it was a steady, good paying job and she knew she had to stick with it. The doctors seemed to like her anyway and Maya, with her home spun manners and sometimes coarse demeanor was, after all, a professional doing her best to show Svetlana the ropes.<br/>The following day she was serving dinner to old Mr. Harwood who was having eye surgery the following morning. He was more than "Concerned." Bob Harwood was scared shitless!<br/><br/>Looking up at Svetlana, Bob blurted out the truth: He hated to have anything touch his eyes. He'd never had contact lenses for fear of sticking them on his eyes. He hated eye drops. Never even opened his eyes in the shower! Now he was going to have a "Minor Incision" in his right eye after which a new lens was going to be "Gently" installed. "Young lady I don't want nobody sawing a hole in my eyeball! They're saying I'm gonna be awake for this procedure. What's that going to feel like?"<br/><br/>"Oh you'll be fine Mr. Harwood!" Svetlana replied. It was easy for 24 year old Svetlana Swimmer to say. Her eyes were perfect and glasses, contacts, cataracts and eye surgery were all in the future for her. "People have that operation all the time and it's over in only about ten minutes." She smiled.<br/><br/>Bob wasn't buying it. Why, he was actually trembling as he attempted to eat his dinner. Just then Maya ambled into the room. "Now how we doin' tonight Mr. Harwood? Better eat up 'cause tomorrow you're gonna be able to see this slop we're feedin' you! Ha Ha!"<br/><br/>Bob looked up at Maya and it was clear he didn't appreciate the humor. "Now C'mon sugar, you cain't eat nothin' tomorrow morning before your surgery so you got to get some nourishment tonight. It ain't so bad, honest!" Maya watched the grey haired businessman and seemed to sense his fear. "OK now honey, I think I got just the thing to settle you down a bit."<br/><br/>With that said she disappeared from the room only to return a few moments later. The aging head nurse emptied most of Bob's water glass and then pulled a half pint bottle of Jim Beam Bourbon from her smock. She poured a good sized shot into the remaining water and quietly said "Now don't go tellin' nobody 'bout this y'hear?<br/><br/>Bob's face brightened. "Gee.Gee thanks! He took the glass and downed it with a couple of big gulps. "Yeah. Thanks a lot."<br/><br/>Svetlana and Maya watched as Bob finished his dinner and then settled back against his pillows. He took a deep breath and.he seemed to accept his fate. He'd get through this thing tomorrow one way or another. At least he could relax now and sleep.<br/><br/>Svetlana found herself gaining admiration for her country born and bred superior. Somewhere along the line, she'd learned a thing or two about getting people well. "Sometimes the line gets.blurry." She came to understand.<br/><br/>The next time she went into Mark's room to bathe him Svetlana was over her shyness about the procedure. She joked with the improving but still banged up 19 year old and set about sponging him down. She saved his penis for last and they were both eagerly anticipating it when the time came for his "Bath" there.<br/><br/>"Can't forget 'Mr. Stiffy' now can we?" Svetlana smiled as she said it. She was now expecting Mark's cock to enlarge as she washed it and she wasn't disappointed! She rubbed the sponge up and down his healthy young penis and Mark moaned in appreciation. He tried to lift his butt to meet her manipulations but his ribs hurt too much for that. So the young man just laid there as Svetlana expertly cleaned up his now almost fully erect cock. It had been two weeks now in this hospital. Two full weeks. Mark White had learned to masturbate when he was just 13 years old and hadn't missed more than one day ever since.<br/><br/>Oh sure he liked a good piece of ass but that wasn't easy to come by. So he did the best he could with the ladies but he was used to ejaculating every day! Two weeks now it had been! Two weeks! And here was this.this adorable doll massaging his naked body and he's too fucked up to do anything but lay there!<br/><br/>Svetlana dried off Mark the best she could and covered him up. She had to stop herself from giving the strapping young lad a kiss on the cheek as he smiled up at her in gratitude. "Who am I kidding?" She said to herself. "I could go for a good looking guy like him. I wish he was a bit older."<br/><br/>That Friday she was called in to nurse Maya's office and informed that she was being promoted to full time employee! It was more than a formality since lots of women tried out for nursing and couldn't make it. Now, she would be getting full health coverage and a modest raise. The only downside was she would have to work nights. It would be an adjustment to come in at four in the afternoon and work until midnight. But it also meant not much in the way of dealing with the family visitors who could be a pain. Svetlana gratefully accepted her new position.<br/><br/>It was only the second night of her new assignment when she heard moaning coming from Mark White's room. Mark was supposed to be well on his way to recovery and she wondered what would be causing him to moan in pain. She crept into the darkened room and, at first, couldn't figure out what was happening. Then her eyes adjusted to the dim light and she saw Mark's bandaged hands pressing onto his groin. It took a bit longer for the young nurse to realize exactly why he was doing it.<br/><br/>"Oh my goodness!" She realized. "He's a healthy growing boy and he's been locked up in this hospital with his hands bandaged up for almost 3 weeks now! He must need release!"<br/><br/>Svetlana considered going into Mark's room and attempting to comfort him. But she quickly realized that someone telling him "It'll be OK son!" Won't help his immediate problem. "Sometimes the line gets blurry." She finally said to herself. The pretty young night nurse walked quietly into the room. She pulled the curtain for more privacy even though Mark had no roommate.<br/><br/>When Mark White saw Svetlana hovering over him at first he thought he was dreaming. His sexual frustration was getting the better of him now and to find the gorgeous dark eyed beauty who occupied his thoughts right there beside him was almost too good to be true. But it was true. And then she was removing his hospital gown leaving him nude before him.<br/><br/>"Not feeling well tonight are we?" Svetlana started in her best imitation of Maya's homespun way of putting things. "Well let's see if we can do something about that." She probably should've called a doctor and arranged for a sedative. But the line was already too blurry for that. No. Twenty four year old Svetlana Swimmer was eager for some sexual release herself. She and Ivan hadn't exactly had a wild sex life but it was better than what she'd enjoyed since he'd left: Nothing! The handsome young construction worker was looking up at her hopefully knowing it wasn't time for his bath! His left hand slid down and found its way up her skirt.<br/><br/>Svetlana unbuttoned the first few buttons of her starched white Nurse's blouse so Mark could see her bra encased tits. Not gigantic. In fact Ivan had teased her about her "Little mosquito bites" more than a time or two. But Mark didn't seem to mind. She leaned down with the pretense of raising the bed a bit but she actually wanted to get her breasts right up in Mark's face.where he could get a sniff of her feminine scent. "Now Mark you'll have to be quiet OK? No moaning or anything OK?"<br/><br/>Mark nodded eagerly and then watched as Svetlana backed away momentarily and reached up beneath her white skirt. With the lad looking on intently, she pulled down her white panties and then stepped out of them. Svetlana held her panties up for Mark to see and then leaned over and placed them right on the pillow next to his face. Mark thought He'd died and gone to heaven!<br/>His hand found her pussy and started playing with her lips.<br/><br/>Svetlana then took a tube of KY jelly off the cabinet next to the bed and coated her hand with it. The pretty divorcee found herself thinking "I should probably be wearing surgical gloves for this operation!" The thought faded into oblivion as she approached Mark's supine form and took hold of his thick young penis! Mark couldn't help but groan when she did it but Svetlana brought her index finger to her lips as if to say "Shhhh!"<br/><br/>Svetlana then began to lightly stroke Mark's penis with her right hand while cradling his balls with her left. Mark nodded his head up and down as if to say "Yes" while his pleasure increased. For her part Svetlana found herself becoming increasingly aroused. She was soaking wet from Mark's manipulations. She'd never given her husband a hand job and they usually made love under the covers in the dark. To feel this solid young guy obviously responding to her digital manipulations was extremely exciting to her. His cock was still growing. How big would it get? She wondered. There was only one way to find out!<br/><br/>So Svetlana redoubled her efforts, sliding her hand quickly up and down Mark's cock as she squeezed him a bit harder. She figured after three weeks of abstinence it wouldn't take long to get him off. And she was right. Nineteen year old Mark White had had his fair share of girls but never one as fine as Nurse Svetlana. He wished he could fuck her but his injuries still wouldn't allow that. No. He had to "Settle" for this truly thrilling sexual encounter. His dream girl, Nurse Svetlana, her soft warm panties right next to him on the pillow, her tits just barely covered and nearly visible. Oh this would do alright!<br/><br/>Svetlana's neglected young pussy was wet now as she continued to rub Young Mark's completely erect cock. What a mammoth hunk of flesh he had! She had little to compare him to but he certainly put Ivan to shame. Why, she could hardly get her little fist around it's girth! "He's going to please a lot of women with that thing." She thought.<br/><br/>Svetlana began to use both hands to please young Mark's come striving penis. He had promised not to make any sound but it couldn't have been easy. The room was now filled with the lewd sounds of her two small, lubricated hands sliding repeatedly up and down Mark's frustrated young cock. It wouldn't be long now.<br/><br/>Svetlana continued to work Mark's cock towards it's inevitable conclusion. His impossibly hard cock was beginning to secrete drops of liquid out of the little slit at the top of the head. Knowing she shouldn't, Svetlana touched the tip of her finger to the clear flowing liquid and then brought it to her lips, tasting it briefly before returning to the task at hand.<br/><br/>Mark moved his head from side to side, eagerly drawing air through his nose each time he touched Svetlana's panties. She was so pretty. So nice to him. She was like an angel in the night, here to somehow save him from his three weeks of agony.<br/><br/>Then.Svetlana actually felt Mark's seed beginning to jet from his balls! His sizable manhood jerked in her hands and then she felt a jumping sensation from the bottom of his penis. Then.then it poured out! Gob after gob of Mark's fresh young sperm splashed out onto his belly as he came. "Ooooo!" Svetlana couldn't help but utter as she saw the proof of his climax squirting out again and again. She came at the same time.She watched his face as Mark finally began to finish and then, at last, he was done. Svetlana had never seen that much sperm at one time in her life! What a stud! The few times she'd actually seen Ivan ejaculate it had barely dribbled out. Not Mark! Why, his chest was covered with streams of jism.<br/><br/>Not thinking clearly right then, Svetlana grabbed her panties and used them to wipe up Mark's sizable emission. Mark was now feeling a warm glow all over his body as he felt Nurse Svetlana wiping up his come. Had this really happened? He wondered. The subtle but persistent pain he'd been feeling from his injuries seemed to disappear in the aftermath of his overpowering orgasm. "I love that girl." He admitted to himself.<br/><br/>Svetlana now realized that she needed to get rid of the evidence of what she'd just done. Yes the line sometimes gets blurry but it's one thing to give a worried old guy a shot of booze to calm his nerves. It quite another to jerk off some lonely young boy who you are supposed to be nursing back to health! Her unsatisfying sex life with her husband and subsequent lack of sex had obviously caused an unnatural reaction in Svetlana's mind. She'd just lost control!<br/><br/>Svetlana decided to stuff her panties in the trash bin down the hall so she lightly caressed Mark's cheek in a genuine display of affection and then replaced his hospital gown and stepped outside the curtain. Looking back, she took a long last look at Mark White, lying there in mellow satisfaction.<br/><br/>"Good night Mark!" She said softly. "Sleep tight!"

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